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page benevolesWhen you choose to volunteer at La Solitude, you have the opportunity to contribute directly to the fulfillment of its mission.

The efficient running of operations, site maintenance, as well as the development of services and programming depend almost entirely on the commitment, expertise and dedication of many volunteers.

Depending on personal interests and abilities, there are a variety of tasks to accomplish, including:

  • sitting on the Board of Directors;
  • joining one of the teams: programming, marketing, volunteer management, or site    maintenance and improvement;
  • welcoming and overseeing the needs of guests staying at La Solitude;
  • participating in fundraising or other activities;
  • participating in a maintenance or site improvement group activity;
  • providing various services (food preparation, housework, etc.).

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, tell us briefly why and how you would like to contribute.

Contact us